Fluke 753/754 Screenshield screen protectors

In today's process control environments, maintaining accurate and reliable measurements is paramount. This ensures consistent product quality, efficient operations, and regulatory compliance. But how can you guarantee the accuracy of your process instrumentation? This is where documenting process calibrators like the Fluke 753 and 754 come into play.

The Importance of Process Calibration

Process instrumentation forms the backbone of any industrial process. These instruments – pressure gauges, temperature sensors, flow metres, and more – continuously monitor critical process variables. However, over time, these instruments can drift from their original calibration, leading to inaccurate readings. This can have significant consequences:

  • Reduced product quality: Inaccurate measurements can lead to inconsistencies in the final product, compromising its quality and safety.
  • Process inefficiencies: Improper control due to inaccurate readings can result in wasted materials, increased energy consumption, and reduced production output.
  • Non-compliance with regulations: Many industries have strict regulations regarding the accuracy of process measurements. Failing to meet these standards can lead to hefty fines and production shutdowns.

The Fluke 753/754 Documenting Process Calibrator: A Comprehensive Solution

The Fluke 753 and 754 are documenting process calibrators designed to address these concerns. They offer a comprehensive solution for calibrating a wide range of process instruments, ensuring their accuracy and maintaining regulatory compliance.

Key Features of the Fluke 753/754

  • Broad Measurement Capabilities: The calibrators can source and measure a variety of process signals, including pressure, temperature, current, voltage, and resistance. This versatility allows them to calibrate a wide range of instruments used in process control applications.
  • High Accuracy: Both calibrators boast exceptional accuracy, with pressure and temperature accuracies up to 0.05% of reading. This ensures that calibrated instruments provide highly reliable measurements.
  • Documenting Functionality: A key feature of the 753 and 754 is their ability to document calibration procedures and results. This simplifies record-keeping and demonstrates compliance with regulatory requirements. Calibration data can be stored internally or exported to a PC for further analysis and reporting.
  • Ease of Use: The calibrators are designed with user-friendly interfaces, making them easy to learn and operate. Technicians can quickly set up calibration routines and perform tests without extensive training.
  • Rugged Construction: Built to withstand the harsh realities of industrial environments, the 753 and 754 are built tough. They are dust-proof, water-resistant, and can survive drops, ensuring reliable performance in any situation.

Benefits of Using the Fluke 753/754

By incorporating the Fluke 753 or 754 into your process control routine, you can reap several significant benefits:

  • Enhanced Measurement Confidence: With regularly calibrated instruments, you can be confident in the accuracy of your process measurements. This leads to improved product quality and consistent process control.
  • Increased Process Efficiency: Accurate measurements allow for tighter process control, optimising resource utilisation and minimising waste.
  • Reduced Costs: Proper calibration helps prevent costly errors and ensures efficient operation, leading to significant cost savings in the long run.
  • Simplified Compliance: The calibrators' documenting capabilities streamline record-keeping and simplify demonstrating compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Improved Uptime: By proactively identifying and addressing instrument drift, you can prevent unexpected equipment failures and production downtime.

Choosing Between the Fluke 753 and 754

The Fluke 753 and 754 share many core functionalities. However, the 754 offers some additional capabilities:

  • Dual Pressure Measurement: The 754 can simultaneously measure and source two independent pressure channels. This is ideal for applications where differential pressure measurements are critical.
  • HART Communication Support: The 754 can communicate with HART-protocol devices, allowing for advanced configuration and diagnostics of these instruments during calibration.

If your process control applications primarily involve single-channel pressure measurement, the Fluke 753 is an excellent choice. However, if you require dual-channel pressure measurement or HART communication support, the Fluke 754 provides the necessary functionality.


The Fluke 753 and 754 documenting process calibrators are powerful tools for ensuring accuracy and compliance in process control environments. By providing high-precision calibration capabilities, comprehensive documentation features, and a user-friendly design, these calibrators empower you to maintain optimal process performance and achieve your quality and regulatory goals.

Investing in a Fluke 753 or 754 is an investment in the long-term success of your process by safeguarding product quality, maximising efficiency, and minimising costs. With these calibrators, you gain the confidence and control necessary to navigate today's demanding process control landscape.

Recommended Screen Protector for Fluke 753/754

Given the industrial environment the Fluke 753/754 is likely used in, the most suitable screen protector would be the:

Optic+ Anti-glare screen protectors

These protectors offer several benefits for the Fluke 753/754:

  • Reduced Glare: In bright workshop settings, glare on the screen can make it difficult to read measurements. An anti-glare screen protector minimises reflections, enhancing screen visibility.
  • Durability: Anti-glare screen protectors are typically constructed from tough materials that can withstand scratches, splashes, and minor impacts, protecting the delicate screen of the calibrator.
  • Maintains Touchscreen Functionality: Unlike some screen protectors, anti-glare protectors won't interfere with the touchscreen capabilities of the Fluke 753/754.

While other screen protectors on the list may offer additional features, such as impact resistance (Nano Glass screen protector) or blue light filtering (Blue Light Blocking screen protector), the priority for the Fluke 753/754 is a clear and readable display in potentially harsh environments. Anti-glare screen protectors effectively address this need.


image source: sapphire-tech
Anti-glare screen protectorsFluke 753/754

Fluke 753/754 Documenting Process Calibrator

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